Know where you are


Hackers don’t wait for a good time.
They’ll strike on the worst moment when they’ll have the best chances for you to pay the ransomware.
Based on dark web discussions, GDPR regulated companies are the best targets because they pay fast, not to be fined by the regulator.
Today’s estimation talks about 12,000 companies in Europe that were already breached but not hacked.

Start your free trial today!

For our social engineering services please see our social engineering pricing page

Be Safe  ›  Be Prepared  ‹  Immediate ROI 

So we can make you a personalized offer
That includes: Production, VnV, Testing, Stage, Dev and any other environment that you need to be tested.
We'll scan the internet to determine your C-Level exposure online
Manual penetration testing by a certified ethical hacker, With zero-knowledge from your side
Manual penetration testing by a certified ethical hacker, with instruction from your side regarding: application logic, flow charts, network infrastructure maps, etc.
Using an LMS